Let's get you in the sky!

Here's a breakdown of the whole process

Private Pilot Track



Call or email us to set up a discovery flight where you and an instructor will take to the skies in one of the cleanest, best maintained aircraft in northern Tennessee. Enjoy the views as you take your very first step towards being a pilot!


Now that you've tasted flight, you have a decision to make. Will you choose a life where you're content to stay on the ground? Or will you choose to continue your pursuit of flight, one of the most rewarding talents humans can achieve?


Every pilot needs to have a certain collection of essential tools that help make flying possible, as well as enjoyable. Visit our list of essential pilot supplies over on the resources page.


Now that you're equipped, it's time to start meeting regularly with a Certified Flight Instructor (CFI). Your CFI will be your mentor throughout your student pilot journey. They will instruct you according to the FAA's specific requirements as well as answer any questions you may have about aviation. Lean on them to help you make it to the end.


One pre-requisite to flying your first solo flight is having a Student Pilot Certificate from the FAA. Create an account on iacra.faa.gov and register for your Student pilot Certificate.


Not only must you demonstrate your ability to fly an airplane, you must also demonstrate your knowledge about the subject by passing a written examination. To prepare for this, we highly recommend enrolling in an online-groundschool curriculum. Click here for some of our favorite courses.


Once your CFI has decided you've proven your ability to fly an airplane, AND your knowledge on the subject of aviation, they will administer a pre-solo knowledge test. Upon passing, you will be endorsed to fly all on your own under student pilot limitations.


Before you can solo, you'll need one last peice of paperwork. A third-class (or better) Airman Medical Certificate can be obtained after satisfying the FAA's requirements for a healthy pilot. This is determined by an FAA-licensed Aviation Medical Examiner (AME). Here's a tool from the FAA that can help you find an AME near you: AME Finder


With your student pilot certificate, medical certificate, and solo flight endorsement in hand, you're ready to take to the skies all on your own! This is one of the most exciting experiences that a student pilot will receive. There's no feeling comparable to that of your first solo flight, so enjoy every aspect of this monumental milestone!


We're nearing the end of the process - It's time to finish up your ground school curriculum, take your practice tests, and graduate! Doing so will earn you a logbook endorsement which grants you access to an Airman Testing facility, where you'll take on the Private Pilot Written Examination. You can find more information on the Airman Testing process, as well as where to find a testing facility by visiting this website. Best of luck!


With your written examination complete, all that's left is to pass your practical examination. Work with your instructor to book a Designated Pilot Examiner (DPE) for your practical test. The DPE will be testing you based on the FAA's highly specific Airman Certification Standards (ACS). Those can be found here.


Except, you've only just begun! Congratulations! You've passed your written and practical examinations, and now you're the proud new owner of a Private Pilot Certificate. Enjoy this moment, and the implications of what will follow in your career. Whether you stop here and fly for fun on the weekends, or if you push on in pursuit of a career in aviation, you will always have more to learn. When it comes to being a pilot, having the certificate is enough. To be a GREAT pilot, you must never stop learning. See you in the skies!